Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer

Article was written by Irina Demina

The prevalence of breast cancer can understandably evoke fear in many people; however, it is important to be aware that the signs and symptoms of early breast cancer can differ between individuals, and sometimes there are no symptoms at all. Furthermore, keep in mind that other health conditions can present with similar symptoms.

The American Cancer Society is calling on us to take a proactive approach to conquering breast cancer - and there's an easy way to stay ahead of any potential abnormalities. Familiarize yourself with the feel, shape, size, and color of your breasts and give yourself a breast check at least once a month. This will help you stay on top of any changes and help protect yourself from breast cancer.

Early detection is the key to winning the fight against breast cancer and any other type of this devastating disease. Scientists are still trying to uncover the mystery behind the causes of cancer, but it is widely believed that a combination of genetics, environment and hormones are contributing factors. Sadly, many individuals are unaware that men can be afflicted by breast cancer, although it is significantly more common among women. Breast cancer can strike people of any age, with seniors particularly vulnerable. Additionally, there are several different types of breast cancer.

Take note of these signs; they could be indicative of breast cancer:

Pink Ribbons on Pink Surface
Source: Photo by Anna Shvets

A Lump On Your Breast, Underarm Or Collarbone

Have you recently noticed an unusual lump in your breast, underarm, or collarbone that wasn't there before?

If you notice a lump in your breast that persists after your period ends, it could be an indication of breast cancer. Don't be alarmed - statistically, 70% of such cases are not cancerous. Regardless, it's best to get the lump checked out by a doctor. This way, you'll be able to relax knowing that you're in the clear.

Getting regular screenings for cancer is essential in helping to ensure that you can recover quickly and effectively. Through mammograms and MRIs, doctors can discover a cancerous lump even before you're aware of its existence. Timely detection is essential, so don't delay in getting tested and taking control of your health!

Strange Nipple Discharge Or Unexplainable Pain

It may be totally normal to experience milky leaks and lactating discharges during pregnancy - but if you're not nursing and you spot something unusual, like nipple discharges in colors such as clear, brown, yellow or red, be sure to seek medical advice right away. Don't ignore any unexplained nipple discharges or pain - they could be cause for concern and require professional help!

It is important to bear in mind that some illnesses may present similar symptoms. Nevertheless, regardless if it turns out to be cancer or not, it is crucial not to ignore it.

Chronic Irritation, Itchiness, Swelling Or Rashes

Have you ever experienced a rash or itch around your chest? It’s usually just an allergic reaction or bug bite. But if it's persistent with swelling or redness, it could be a sign of something more serious—like breast cancer.

Are you suffering from severe itching and irritation on your body, including your breasts and chest? While it's unlikely to be a sign of breast cancer, the only way to know for sure is to get tested.

Unintentional And Sudden Weight Loss

Know about one of the most sneaky signs of advanced breast cancer – it can be challenging to spot since there may be no visible changes near the breasts.

Changes In Overall Skin Texture

The silky, gentle feel of healthy breast skin is the norm. However, keep an eye out for any anomalies in the skin of your breasts, especially near the nipples, as this may be an indication of breast cancer.

A Significant And Sudden Change of Size, Shape Or Appearance Of A Breast

Have you noticed that one of your breasts is slightly bigger than the other? Don't ignore any unexpected swelling, pain, or changes in shape or overall appearance! It could be a sign of breast cancer, and so should not be overlooked. If it's something else like a spider bite or an allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting, then make sure you get it checked out. Remember, early detection of breast cancer can save lives, so be aware of any changes in your breasts.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations on your amazing triumph in beating cancer! To ensure your success continues, it's important to keep up with regular testing to drastically reduce the chances of a relapse. Unfortunately, breast cancer can return in the other breast within two years of recovery, but with routine check-ups and the help of medical experts, early detection can ensure a much easier and quicker recovery should it become necessary.

The emotional and mental toll of breast cancer can be immense. If you’ve been diagnosed and feel overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone – there’s an extensive network of support, resources, and alliances to help you cope and improve your quality of life. From breast cancer support groups to friends and family, counselors and other mental health professionals – reach out and be part of a strong community of brave women fighting breast cancer together.

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